
Pastor & Staff

Frederick Long


Pastor Fred and Kristy started pastoring All Nations in August of 2022. Married for over 20 years along with their 3 kids have been serving the Lord in the city of Gallup. 

Zaldy Lyugan

Worship Leader

Serving All Nations  for over 15 years Zaldy leads the worship team along with his wife Pam. 

Kristy Boyd-Long

Co-Pastor/Women's Ministry/Administrative Assistant 

In addition to serving as the Administrative Assistant at All Nations, Kristy heads up the Tea Ladies Ministry.  Teaching on spiritual warfare and our true identity in Christ Jesus. 

Chris and Sadie Acevedo

Hope in Jesus Outreach Ministry

With a heart for those who are downcast Chris and Sadie reach out to those on the street. Offering free cloths, food and most importantly prayer.